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Updating the CodeLogic SQL Agent


Before you update your CodeLogic Server or Agent, please verify that your systems meet the CodeLogic Installation Requirements.

Internet access is required for updates.

When you update the CodeLogic Server you must also update your CodeLogic Server Agents.

The GUI or the CLI may be used to upgrade the agents. The CodeLogic Server is the repository, so it must be running for the upgrade to proceed.


Operating System, Distribution, Version


Upgrade Agents

Amazon Linux 2

CentOS 6

CentOS 7

RHEL 7.9

sudo yum upgrade codelogic-java codelogic-sql

CentOS 8 and later

Fedora 32 and later

RHEL 8.4 and later

sudo dnf upgrade codelogic-java codelogic-sql

Debian 10 and later

Ubuntu 18 and later

sudo sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade codelogic-java codelogic-sql