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Scanning JavaScript/TypeScript NodeJS Projects


This document assumes that CodeLogic is running at If you have a production installation of CodeLogic, substitute its address in for

Fetch the latest agent image from an instance of CodeLogic, e.g.

docker pull

Run the image, mounting the root of the project you wish to scan in a volume, e.g.

docker run \
    --rm \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --env CODELOGIC_HOST="" \
    --volume '/absolute/path/to/the/project:/scan' \
    '' \
    analyze \
        --path /scan \
        --application my-project-name
By default a new agent will be created in CodeLogic each time you run a scan. To avoid this, you can provide the container with credentials using the AGENT_UUID and AGENT_PASSWORD environment variables.
For example, the command above could be re-written to include credentials from the local shell environment:
# Assuming that `AGENT_UUID` and `AGENT_PASSWORD` have
# been exported and are available in the shell environment

docker run \
    --rm \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --env CODELOGIC_HOST="" \
    --env AGENT_UUID="${AGENT_UUID}" \
    --volume '/absolute/path/to/the/project:/scan' \
    '' \
    analyze \
        --path /scan \
        --application my-project-name

For a list of available commands and options, you can run

docker run \
    --rm \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    '' --help