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Configuring the CodeLogic Windows .NET Agent

Your CodeLogic agent needs to be configured in order to scan your unique environment.

  • Click Admin and then select the Agents tab.
  • Click the more menu icon in the Actions column and select View/Edit/Delete.

  • The Edit window opens.

  • Edit the configuration file.

    • Agent ID - The Agent ID is a unique identifier assigned by CodeLogic and is not configurable.
    • Agent Type - The Agent Type is the type of agent you have installed and is not configurable.
    • Agent Name - The Agent Name is the name you entered during installation. If you did not enter a descriptive name, the default name is used. To rename the agent, replace the text and click Save.
    • Agent Description - The Agent Description is a text field where you can enter a description for the agent.
    • Schedule - The schedule for scanning is configurable using a cron‑style entry. The default schedule is every four hours, every day, starting at 00:00.

    The scan is scheduled using a cron-like definition based upon the CronTrigger class. It is similar to entries specified in man -S 5 crontab but the fields and allowed characters differ slightly to allow for more powerful scheduling.

    Field Name Allowed Values Allowed Special Characters
    Seconds 0-59 , - * /
    Minutes 0-59 , - * /
    Hours 0-23 , - * /
    Day of Month 1-31 , - * ? / L W
    Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , - * /
    Day of Week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , - * ? / L W
    • Special characters:

      • * (“all values”)
      • ? (“no specific value”) – for example, when the scan should take place on the 10th day of the month any day of the week is acceptable
      • -- used to specify ranges – for example, 1-3 in the day of the month field means the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd day of the month
      • ,- used to specify additional values – for example, “TUES, THUR” in the Day of Week field means Tuesday and Thursday
      • /- used to specify the starting value and an increment – for example, 0/10 in the Minutes field means “the minutes 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50”
      • L(“last”) – the meaning of this character changes depending upon which field it is in, for example, “L” in the Day of Week field means Saturday but it can be combined for a specification like 5L, which means the last Thursday of the month
      • W(“weekday”) - the weekday nearest specified day, for example, 20W is the weekday closest to the 20th day of the month
      • #- used to specify “the nth” NNN day of the month, for example, “5#1” = the first Thursday of the month and “4#3” = the third Wednesday of the month

      Scheduling examples

      • Scan every half hour starting at the top of the hour, every weekday

        0 0/30 \* \* \* MON-FRI

      • Scan every half hour, between the hours of 9 AM and 5 PM (0900 and 1700), every weekday

        0 0/30 9-17 ? \* MON-FRI

      • Scan at 9:40 PM (2140) every day

        0 40 21 ? \* \*

    • Batch Size - The Batch Size is the combined number of nodes and relationships to reach before sending information to the CodeLogic Server.

    • Logging Level - The log level of the client. A change to this field is not typically needed.
    • Scan Configurations - The scan configuration settings specify the configurations used during analysis.


      If command line parameters are passed in, this section is ignored in favor of the command line parameters.

      • Application - The Application field is the application to group the items found in the scan.
      • Skip Subdirectories - When checked, sub-directories are skipped during search.
      • IIS Analysis - When checked, IIS is analyzed. If checked, Paths must not be set.
      • Show Compiler Generated - When checked, compiler generated code is shown in resulting output.
    • Paths - Click + to add directories to be scanned. You can add multiple directories.

    • List of websites - Click + to add a website name to filter IIS analysis by. This field is only necessary if IISAnalysis is checked.
    • List of filter patterns - Click + to add specific applications to analyze. A simple match pattern is used.
    • A list of databases - Click + to add a database to be scanned. These can be found in the Web UI under nodeDetails. Known databases should always be specified. Using a connection that is not the identity will result in no relationships being formed.
    • Optionally, click + to enter an additional Agent Configuration.
    • Click Save to save your changes and close the Edit window.
    • Logging
      • Logging is configured in appsettings.json file in the directory where you installed CodeLogic.


CodeLogic uses standard .NET logging. For more information, see