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CodeLogic Installation Requirements

The system requirements for installing and using CodeLogic are listed below.

General Prerequisites

  • A Linux system for the CodeLogic Server.
    • Because of high CPU and memory usage, run the CodeLogic server on a dedicated machine.
  • Internet access on ports 80 and 443 for initial installation, license verification and upgrades.
  • Root (sudo) or administrator access to the CodeLogic Server system.
  • Root (sudo) or administrator access to any system upon which the agent will be installed.
  • IPv6 must be enabled on the CodeLogic Server.
  • Familiarity with basic system administration tasks, such as editing configuration files.

Requirements for Servers and Agents


Some dependencies cannot be required automatically. For example: .NET must be installed prior to installing the .NET Agent; RHEL-based systems that require docker must follow the instructions at


Supported Platforms (x86_64)

Logical Processors (Minimum)

Required Disk Space (Minimum)

Memory (Minimum)

Required Packages

CodeLogic Server

Debian-based Linux distro

Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04


320 GB Free

NVMe storage is preferred for production deployments.

32 GB

CodeLogic Server

RHEL-based Linux distro

Fedora 38

Red Hat 8.10, 9.4


320 GB Free

NVMe storage is preferred for production deployments.

32 GB


CodeLogic Java Agent

Amazon Linux 2023

CentOS 7-2009

Debian 10

Fedora 38

Oracle Linux 8.10, 9.5

Red Hat 8.10, 9.4

Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04

Windows Server 2022


500 MB Free

1 GB

OpenJRE 11

CodeLogic SQL Agent

Amazon Linux 2023

CentOS 7-2009

Debian 10

Fedora 38

Red Hat 8.10, 9.4

Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04

Windows Server 2022


500 MB Free

1 GB

OpenJRE 11

CodeLogic .NET Agent

Windows Server 2022


500 MB Free

4 GB

.NET 6.0**

*Install the Docker Engine following the instructions at

**You can download .NET 6.0 at


SSL/TLS Certificates


For installations utilizing the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, a valid TLS certificate must be installed prior to installing agents.

Information about applications and databases is collected by the agent and sent as metadata to the CodeLogic Server.

To prevent the metadata from being intercepted in transit, CodeLogic recommends SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) for data encryption, data integrity and authentication.

Installing SSL/TLS certificates is beyond the scope of these instructions.

However, we assume:

  • The CodeLogic Server system has a signed digital certificate installed.
  • The system upon which the CodeLogic Agent is installed has the corresponding public certificate installed.

The installer allows insecure communications to be configured but this should only be used for testing purposes on systems that do not contain any sensitive data. It is not recommended but, if this option is chosen during installation, no certificate will be required, and http will be used instead of https.


A self-signed certificate is provided but is provided only for installation. It cannot be used for secure communication between agents and the CodeLogic Server.

Server Firewall Configuration

If there is a firewall enabled on the systems running the CodeLogic server, HTTP or HTTPS access is required.




CodeLogic Server
Browser & IDE Access


IDE & UI Access


Internet access is required for the CodeLogic Server installation and upgrades. The repository key and software are downloaded using HTTP and HTTPS (ports 80 & 443).

Agent Firewall Configuration




SQL Agent

3306 MySQL
1521 Oracle
5432 Postgres
1433 SQL Server

SQL Agent

Static Analysis Agents

Filesystem Access

Static Analysis

.Net Dynamic Agent

Application Host Access

.Net Agent

Java Dynamic Agent

1099 RMI Port
Application Host Access

Java Agent

Administrator Accounts

An administrator account is created during installation.

Each agent uses a default account and password. The agent configuration file is only readable by root.

Up Next: Server Installation